How to Cleanse Safely

When:              Tuesday May 27, 2014

Time:              7:00 – 8:30 pm

Where:             Hub Conference Room Suite 209 – 810 Quayside Drive, New Westminster

Cost:                $30.00 cash or cheque

Spring is a great time to cleanse. Cleansing helps your body get rid of toxins, helps your liver to thrive and not become sluggish, digestion has time to rest and overall helps your body feel alive, refreshed and renewed.   I want to help you clean out the old, the worn and tired to create a healthier place of clarity, energy and vigor.  🙂

The organs that eliminate/detox/cleanse are:

Liver, Colon, Kidneys, Skin

I will address each of these organs and what foods are best to help aid in removing of toxins. I will be giving out nutritional and lifestyle tidbits to help you clear the dross and clutter from your body, mind and home.  Oh yeah, recipes and a snack too! Great door prize, kindly donated by Donald’s Market

Please register via email:

Tidbits on the Benefits of Broths (a.k.a. Liquid Gold :)

Beef bone broth is one of my favorite things to make.  It is full of minerals, vitamins, amino-acids and vegetables as electrolytes a form that is easy to assimilate.  Bone broths provide dense nutrition which is easily digested and has been know for centuries as a healing folk remedy for the digestive tract. Nothing like a hot mug full after walking my dog Tanner as the weather is a tad wet and cold, it satisfies my whole being right to the core, walla I am nourished

Bone broths have been used to treat many chronic disorders such as Chrone’s disease, colitis, anemia, diabetes, muscular dystrophy and even cancer.

Bone broths are great for those who cannot afford or want to eat large amounts of meat in their diet.  Broths are an essential starter to all my dishes, they add not only flavor but minerals and vitamins as noted above.

There are many ways to enjoy my, ‘Liquid Gold’.

  • Have a mug full in the am instead of coffee
  • Afternoon pick-me-up add some garlic, green onions, spinach, cayenne pepper, turmeric
  • Instead of water for your rice, pasta, lentils, beans, quinoa or potato dishes
  • Sauté veggies
  • Stews, chillies, casseroles and of course soups

Happy Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine’s Day… has been awhile since  my last post, my site was down – but it sure feels great to be live again. How was your January?  Are you thinking about health goals? Feeling encouraged to meet them? Have plans to achieve them? If I can help let me know 🙂

Here is an easy raw chocolate snack to make for your loved ones or just for you

Cinnamon Balls

3/4 c raw cacao nibs
12 medjool dates, take the pits out
1 c pecans or walnuts or almonds or all of them
1 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp cayanne pepper (optional)
1 tsp vanilla the real stuff
1/2 c coconut flakes
sea salt
put into food processor and process till done
make balls and roll in cinnamon
put into freezer to ‘bake’
then eat with red wine
enjoy 🙂

Enjoy today and give of yourself –

a smile, hug, open a door, give up a seat on transit, visit the elderly and have a cup of tea with them, buy someone a coffee, and make an effort to tell your loved one ‘why you love them’ not just I love you…but say “I love you because…” and be kind to yourself, treat yourself today


Tidbits on Reducing Stress for better Digestion

Did you know that stress either mental, emotional or physical can cause digestive issues?

When you are experiencing stress or feeling fearful, anxious or worried the sympathetic (flight or fight) nerves slow down the digestive process. In extreme stress they shut down digestion.

When you feel relaxed your parasympathetic nervous system signals gut secretions and  walla your digestion works easily. Able to digest, absorb, assimilate and eliminate.

But when you are stressed, eating on the run or eating while driving in traffic your digestive capacity is comprised. Continued stress or unmanaged stress in your body or mind affects the body’s ability to heal and perform.The digestive tract repairs and replaces itself every few days and it is one of the first places where our bodies alert us that all is not well. upset tummy 🙁

Like I said at the beginning of this post, stress and emotions play a major role in many digestive problems such as:

ulcers, inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, diarrhea and GERD, allergies and skin issues.

Stress also plays a role in autoimmune issues because the nervous-immune system begins reacting to normal foods and environmental triggers as if they were dangerous.

Rest and relaxation help to restore nervous-immune balance.

Basically under stress your digestion does not work, shuts down. So even if you are eating whole, organic, real food your digestion can not digest, absorb or assimilate the vital nutrients to fuel you for energy.

So here are some tidbits to help reduce stress for better digestion:

Breathing exercies – you can do this anywhere and anytime
k ready let’s go

close your eyes – breathe in deeply through your nose filling up your belly on a count of 1-2-3-4 in breathing in peace
breathe out through your mouth on a count of 1-2-3-4-5-6 breathing out all your stressors
do a few of these and you will feel calmer, it releases toxins from your body and will reduce your stress

k how do you feel? better 🙂

Exercise – walking, running, dancing, swimming, skating, skiing, curling, vollyball, soccer, basketball, bicycling etc…

Get outside – a brisk walk in the crisp cool air will lower your stress level and increase your energy

Journal – getting it on paper helps to empty your mind of clutter, even if you only write a sentence or two – I have been journalling for over 25 years and wow major emotional healing for sure – be thankful, write down what you are thankful for

Smile at strangers 🙂

Listen to music that is soothing and encouraging – dance in your living room

Forgive – this brings healing to your celluar level

Prayer/Meditation – spending time in nature

Yoga or thai-chi, helps to ground your nervous system and balance out your moods, keeps you in the present

Laughing – I like watching Big Bang Theory

Be mindful when eating – sit down at a table and give thanks, create a peaceful, fun and enjoyable environment for eating

Make time for yourself – take up a hobby like guitar or painting

Turn off the cell, tv and computer, light some candles and just ‘be’

Bath with epson salts and lavender – very relaxing and epson salts has magnisum which sooths and calms your muscles

Chamomile, lavender, holy basil tea – very calming and restful

Calcium and Magnesium before bed – helps to relax your nerves and muscles

Ok there you have a bit of digestive information

If you have any comments or questions, please post and I will be happy to answer

Here is to a healthy functioning digestive system

blessings 🙂

Welcome Autumn a.k.a. Indian Summer

I love this time of year.  The leaves changing colors and the air is crisp and clear.  I was at my cabin this past weekend, what a joy and a blessing to have a place to go to in the woods. The colors of the tress and the wind blowing them, watching as they dance to the ground, simply beautiful.  What I love the most about my cabin is the quiet, the sound of the trees when the wind is blowing, sounds like a waterfall, peaceful. Did I mention how quiet it is.

Also entertaining up there as we bring up family and friends and I cook for them all, on my wood stove, totally loving it. My husband Jack and his chainsaw, well you could imagine huge grin and off he goes up the hill, releasing testosterone.

We all need to ‘get away’ to refresh, restore, renew, relax and rejuvenate.  This time of year seems to be the time to plan and prepare and do.  Which is really exciting and exhilarating.  But, we tend to go, go, go and may loose our momentum. So, we need to take time to ‘nourish’ our soul and you don’t need a ‘cabin’ to get away.  I would like to share some practical tidbits for you to help ‘nourish’ your soul:

if your a bath person this is a great one – is sure works for me – a hot bath in the pm adding epson salts with essential lavender oil, very relaxing, light some lavender candles

getting fresh air –   go walking for a good 20-30 minutes, briskly

take a trip around Stanley Park, this time of year is quiet and while walking around the area take time to listen to the woods, the crunch of the leaves beneath your feet, breathe in the ocean air

get up to Seymour mountain take some lunch with you and enjoy the amazing view, hike or just sit and eat and look up at the clouds

take the water taxi from Science World go to Granville Island

get your favorite book and sit by the ocean or lake and just read while you enjoy the cool crisp air

have a picnic in the park

go to a corn maze

circle farm tour

wine tours – my favorite one is Fort Wine Company

one of all time favorites things – invite a few friends over connecting and unwinding while enjoying a meal that either you cooked or have a potluck, nice glass of fine red wine, lots of candles and great conversation – make it a pj party too!

At our cabin, we had some friends up there and I cooked bison chili, yummy.  Below is the recipe for you to enjoy, don’t have to have a wood stove to cook this 🙂 you can even put it in the oven slow roasting it if you like.



1-2 tbsp coconut oil

1 pound of ground beef, turkey, chicken or bison

1 red onion, chopped

3 garlic cloves, chopped

1 jalapeño or other hot pepper like cayanne or fresno (optional)

1 zuchinni, chopped

handful of mushrooms, chopped

1 tsp red pepper flakes, cayenne pepper, chili powder, smoked paprika or regular

Sea salt

4-6 tomatoes or 1 can diced tomatoes

1 can kidney beans drained and rinsed or 2 c soaked beans or a mixed blend of beans

2 tbsp molasses

Water or broth – depends on how thick you want your chili – I like mine thick

½ c red dry wine (optional)

Greens – spinach, kale, arugula


Heat oil in large pot add onions, saute a bit add spices and jalapeno if using add more oil if needed add garlic

Add meat, cook till no pink

Add rest of ingredients

Simmer for about 30 min or so

Adjust seasoning

Add greens just before serving

Top with cilantro and limes and avocado

Enjoy 🙂