Dry Brush Massage

Daily dry-brushing before a shower helps to activate the lymphatic system and gently encourages cleansing.

Use a long-handled, natural bristle brush made for this purpose. Bernard Jensen
makes one that is available in natural food stores at a reasonable price.

Starting with your feet, brush vigorously, making rotary motions, and massage
every part of your body. Brush until your skin becomes rosy, warm, and glowing. Here are the benefits of regular dry brushing:

1. It will effectively remove the dead layers of skin and other impurities and keep pores open.
2. It stimulates and increases circulation in all the underyling organs and tissues.
3. It revitalizes and increases the eliminative capacity of your skin and helps to throw toxins out of the system.
4. It will rejuvenate the complexion and make it look younger.
5. It will make you feel better all over and improve your health generally

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