Summer Tidbits

Welcome Sun!  Now that she has graced us with her presence, thank you.  Let’s be wise in how to enjoy the sunshine.

Try not to be in the full sun between 11:00 – 3:00.  If you must wear a hat and maybe a light breezing shirt.

If you do get a sunburn, drink lots of water and use aloe vera gel.  Cover up if you are at the beach or lake if there is no shade.

Bring an umbrella to the beach or lake.

Pack your own pinic with lots of fresh watery fruits and veggies, like berries, watermelon, cucumber, celery, apples, oranges. Water with lemon, I know I love lemon. 🙂 Visit your local farmer’s market to get your goodies.

Do get full sun in the early am and evening, this helps you get your Vitamin D.

Be outside as much as possible, swim, bike, walk, hike and BBQ.

A couple of good natural sunscreen sources: Green Beaver and Badger. Or coconut oil or shea butter.  A good website for more information on sunscreens is

Keep hydrated.  Coconut water with lemon. Water with lemon. Fresh fruit smoothies. Fresh veggies smoothies.

A nice refreshing salad:

Watermelon and Cucumber with mint and fresh lime juice and a pinch of sea salt

Watermelons are high in water content and contain vitamins B and C and a great antioxidant.

Cucumbers aslo have a high water content and contain vitamins A, B and C minerals iodine, manganese and sulfur, they are diuretic and anti-inflammatory.

Hope you have a wonderful, relaxing, enjoyable, memory filled summer.

Welcome Summer

Well it is officially summer and today is the longest day of the year.  How will you be celebrating it?  Be outside as long as you can and savor the sights and sounds and smell of the new season.

Happy Spring – cleanse tidbits

Happy Spring… has sprung….so enjoyed the sunshine yesterday and felt alive…came back from my cabin which was winter wonderland and quiet to spring…..

Spring time is cleanse time….liver needs some TLC

Drink room tempature filtered water with 1/2 fresh lemon juice in the am

Green smoothie:
bunch of kale, spinach, arugula, parsley, dandelion
lemon juice
kefier water or filtered water
blend in a blender and enjoy

Awesome foods to support your liver:
bitter greens

All help the liver to function efficiently and also promote the flow and emulsification of bile

Happy spring cleaning!

More to follow with some great recipes too

Go Green

In honor of March 1 and spring in the air – let’s go green!

Green smoothie of the day
green apple
1/2 fresh lemon juice
pinch of sea salt the pink one
hemp protein
fish oil
multi vitamin – garden of life brand

a tad thick but yummy and refreshing and full of energy….here’s to spring – emerging
60% 40% fruits
add other veggies such as:
collard greens
swiss chard
romain lettuce
mixed greens
beet or carrot tops
fresh ginger
cherry tomatoes
be creative……put into blender add filtered water, blend and walla… for your brain
enjoy 🙂
also coconut oil, hemp hearts, chia seeds