Beef Bone Broth

Beef bone broth is one of my favorite things to make this time of year.  It is full of minerals, vitamins, amino-acids and various other nutrients in a very bio-available form.  Meat stock aids digestion and has been know for centuries as a healing folk remedy for the digestive tract. Nothing like a hot mug full after walking my dog Tanner as the weather is a tad wet and cold, it satisfies my whole being right to the core, walla I am nourished 🙂

Bone stocks have been used to treat many chronic disorders such as Chrone’s disease, colitis, anemia, diabetes, muscular dystrophy and even cancer.

Making your own takes little time to prepare and you have control of what you put into it, unlike the store bought ones that are full of MSG and sodium the bad refined salt.

Ok let’s get this going – you can get your bones at local farmer’s market.

Make sure that your bones are from animals that are fed only grass from birth to death and are treated humanly.  Very important, ask!


bones different cuts – use 5 depends on the size

3-5 carrots, chopped chunky

5 celery, chopped chunky

1 large onion, chopped chunky

remember these three ingredients to make any soup stock – it is called the trinity of soup broth

drizzle of olive oil

sea salt and cracked pepper

put bones and veggies on a parchement lined baking sheet drizzle olive oil and bake at 300 for about an hour – brings out the flavor

take some of the bone marrow and spread it on a cracker or piece of bread, yummy

put the bones and veggies into a big soup pot and add

rosemary, bay leaf, peppercorns,oregano, kelp (sea veggie, great iodine), sea salt and add about 1- 2 tablespoon of raw apple cider vinegar this helps to draw out the minerals in the bones.

fill with water and bring to boil, then simmer on low heat for about 12-24 hours

strain the stock through a colander into a pot and let cool – give bones to dog 🙂  any meat keep and use in soups

laddle into 1/2 or 1 liter jars do not fill to the brim leave about an inch or so – it may crack if you fill it up

walla one good looking bone broth – “yummy” my tummy says

it will keep in fridge for about 5 days in the freezer about 3 months or so

this broth is the beginning of all your wonderful creations use it instead of water for your rice, quinoa, couscous, noodles, saute veggies, gravies, mashed potatoes, of course soups, stews, chili or even a mug full for breaky

now go and get yourself some bones, your tummy will love you 🙂

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